The magic of Apple sauce
Did you know that most cases of constipation respond really quickly with simply eating some apple sauce , or stewed apples. To shift...

Detoxing Heavy Metals from your body
It is vital today to detox our body from many chemicals and heavy metals. Dr Klinghardt is an expert on treating chronic illness. Many of...

Dowsing for health workshops
Dowsing has been used by people for hundreds probably thousands of years. For anything from health to finding underground water, oil,...

Do you listen to your intuition?
Elizabeth Renter, naturalsociety.com | Have you ever been in a situation where your “gut feeling” told you one thing, but your rational...

Are you in control of your life?
We live our life day to day not even realising that we are only consciously in control for 5% of the time!!! The other 95% is spent...

Dont be fooled Palm oil is not healthy - research Coconut oil - the only oil you should use.
by Natasha Longo Palm oil of any kind, whether it be from the fruit or kernel is not beneficial to the Earth or human health. The...

Is that voice in your head the REAL YOU?
That voice in your head is not you – that voice or voices are from a programme. That’s right your brain is just like a computer – and it...

The 11 Most Nutrient Dense Foods on The Planet
There is only a limited amount of food you can eat in a single day. In order to maximize the amount of nutrients you take in, it makes...

Natural cures for 4 Major diseases
Despite the medical model which relies on pharmaceutical intervention for every known illness, there are well over one hundred common...

The Mother of all Antioxidants
We have all heard of antioxidants, but have we heard of the mother of all antioxidants? One that is the secret to prevent cancer, heart...