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Radionic Analysis
Comprehensive Radionic Analysis Including Remedies and free shipping.
With Radionic analysis It is possible to detect pathogens within the body in the way of bacteria, viral, fungal infections, parasites & tropical diseases. These can then be eliminated using appropriate remedies matched both to the toxins and the patient. i.e. the cause of cold sores can be detected and cleared using a Nosode as treatment - hence no more cold sores, likewise specific tooth infections can be detected and eliminated without the use of antibiotics.
A complete Radionic analysis is available which will cover all physical and emotional aspects, so the remedy will include whatever is indicated for all levels of health
To book a Comprehensive analysis send me your details here - I will send you a form to complete which you return with a hair clipping and a photograph.
…..I had a problem with my leg, with pain coming gradually and only at certain times.
Then more permanently, I could not kneel and stairs became difficult. Just bending the knee was painful. It did feel that the pain was following a nerve tract.
I was supposed to go abroad and ready to cancel, when I was directed to Lesley Knight and after she did the analysis I was given a combination of treatments including Homotoxicological and complex Homeopathic remedies.
Within a fortnight I was able to walk a longer distance without pain and stairs were a lot easier. I went abroad and managed (without pain) 395 steps in a salt mine and a further 500 later!
I now can kneel, go downstairs normally, although not fast as I am nearly 80 years old.
I have only twinges after sitting for long periods which are becoming less and less.
Charlotte Salisbury.
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