Dowsing Workshops - Andover,Salisbury & Somerset
Dowsing is easier than you think and yes YOU TOO can use dowsing to enrich your life and get those crucial answers you need.
In this amazing 1 day event you will learn:
The history of dowsing
Everyday items to dowse with
Your own intuitive abilities
How to use a pendulum for dowsing
How to use your body for dowsing
How to ask questions in the right way
Focusing your questions on any or all of the following:
Health and Medicines
Food & Nutrition
Electro-Magnetic Effects
Human Energy
10am – 4pm on Sunday September 14th
Venue to be announced.
I have set up a discount code for the workshop as I cant set free shipping for it! So please enter the code: DW in the box in the checkout. This way you pay the same, but it will show shipping cost £5.. For this reason please book workshops separately, if you book more than one you will be charged shipping.
Dowsing charts are included for everyone
Pendulums for sale on the day
Light refreshments provided
Let me know if you would like to attend a workshop - I will arrange one as soon as I have enough interest in an area.
I need minimum 6 people, if you would like to get a group of people together I will travel to other areas.